Saturday, 7 December 2013

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry: why anti-semitism is somewhat justified

 The the newly elected Abbott government seeks to dump part of the Racial Discrimination Act. Quite naturally and on cue, the usual suspects are protesting. If I were to heed the warnings of those protesting the proposed changes, then Australia faces another Hitler, another Holocaust,  und so weiter. To channel the theme of Finkelstein's The Holocaust Industry: the victims of the systematic Nazi genocide of European Jewry will be put up on stage  -- there ain't no business like Shoah business -- to remind the Jew-hating Volk (just in case we were sleeping during history class, or are not subscribed the the History Channel, or perhaps live under a rock?) that, unless free speech is curtailed, then The Holocaust II: Hitler Strikes Back will be screening in a theater near you -- and now in 3D

In a sane world, what I wrote above would be grossly offensive and crude. Alas, such is the exploitation of the Holocaust by Israel and her allies that not even my Sarah-Silvemran-esque attempt at humor could possibly cheapen the holocaust: one can't cheapen something that has already been reduced to $0. But who am I to question the financial wizardry of the Jews

Actually, I am Jewish (on the half that counts, anyway), so accusations of monomanical anti-semitism just won't cut it, sorry. 

What I hope to show in an upcoming blog post is the double-standards and 'sheer unreasonableness' of The Executive Council of Australian Jewry. Many of the so called "canards" of the anti-Semitic right are unabashedly put forth in the organisations long list of precepts. Highlights include the double standard on racial-consciousness, cultural and racial preservation, multiculturalism, support of terrorism, and recognition of the indigenous as fist occupants of the land. 

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